Screening: Field Visits for Chelsea Manning (2014)

Friday 27th of November 20:15
Field Visits for Chelsea Manning (2014)

Lance Wakeling

Field Visits for Chelsea Manning is a first-person travelogue based on the places where Manning, the former Army intelligence analyst, was detained. The one-hour video takes place in Kuwait, Virginia, Kansas, and Maryland. Using the concept of mosaic theory — an American intelligence-gathering technique, which employs the collection of disparate pieces of information in order to craft a larger picture or narrative — the video compiles a personal and imagined geography of the areas surrounding Manning’s geo-detention sites.

Lance Wakeling is an artist working in Brooklyn, NY. His recent videos include “Field Visits for Chelsea Manning,” “Views of a Former Verizon Building” and “A Tour of the AC-1 Transatlantic Submarine Cable.” Using the genre of the first-person travelogue, Wakeling’s videos measure the movement of his body against the speed of information. His artworks have been exhibited at Serpentine, London; BAM, Brooklyn; Union Docs, Brooklyn, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing; Klaus von Nichtssagend, New York; Supplement Gallery, London; NiMK, Amsterdam; LUX, London; and Future Gallery, Berlin. He is the recipient of a 2014 Rhizome Commission and a 2014 Media Arts Assistance Fund grant from Wave Farm.

Foto: Copyright

Soldiers fire artillery for a salute to the Union on July 4th, 2013, at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, where Chelsea Manning was detained.
Soldiers fire artillery for a salute to the Union on July 4th, 2013, at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, where Chelsea Manning was detained.


A barbershop quartet dressed as prisoners entertain guests at a saloon in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, also known as "Prison City."
A barbershop quartet dressed as prisoners entertain guests at a saloon in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, also known as “Prison City.”
The sun sets on the Arabian Gulf in Kuwait on Liberation Day, 2014.
The sun sets on the Arabian Gulf in Kuwait on Liberation Day, 2014.
During a Civil War re-enactment in Mannassas, Virginia, a man photographs the set of a burning train car.
During a Civil War re-enactment in Mannassas, Virginia, a man photographs the set of a burning train car.
On the day Manning announced her new life as Chelsea, I found this sign on the side of Highway 295 in Fort Meade, Maryland, where the trial United States vs Manning had just ended.
On the day Manning announced her new life as Chelsea, I found this sign on the side of Highway 295 in Fort Meade, Maryland, where the trial United States vs Manning had just ended.


Freitag 27. November 2015, 20:15
Field Visits for Chelsea Manning (2014)

Lance Wakeling

Eine faszinierende Arbeit einer globalen Gefängnis-Psychogeografie. Der Film „Field Visits for Chelsea Manning“ erkundet die umliegenden Gebiete der Orten, wo die ehemalige Millitär-Analytikerin Chelsea Manning vor ihrer Gerichtsverhandlung für die Veröffentlichung von Geheimdokumenten auf Wikileaks, inhaftiert wurde. Die Erzählung verfolgt die Spuren Chelsea Mannings von Kuwait nach Virginia, Kansas, und Maryland. Diese Abhandlung webt Bilder von Landschaften, Ausschnitte des Gerichtsverfahren und Erzählungen von Aufsichtspersonal zusammen. Wir freuen uns, dass wir das exklusive Recht des Autors erhalten haben, diesen Film zu zeigen.

Lance Wakeling lebt und arbeitet in Brooklyn, NY. Seine aktuellen Videos sind “Field Visits for Chelsea Manning”, “Views of a Former Verizon Building” and “A Tour of the AC-1 Transatlantic Submarine Cable.”
Anhand des Genres der Reiseerzählung in der Ich-Form messen Wakelings Videos die Bewegung seines Körpers im Vergleich mit der Geschwindigkeit der Information. Seine Arbeiten wurden in Serpentine, London; BAM, Brooklyn; Union Docs, Brooklyn, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing; Klaus von Nichtssagend, New York; Supplement Gallery, London; NiMK, Amsterdam; LUX, London; und Future Gallery, Berlin gezeigt. 2014 erhielt er durch die Rhizome Commission eine Media Arts Untersützungsförderung von Wave Farm.

Work in process show Dave Young

Thursday 26th of November 7:00pm
servus CLUBRAUM, Kirchengasse 4, 4040 Linz

Work in process show David Young
Since June 2015 Artist Dave Young is our virtual resident in the frame of the project Artist Run Data Center. David Young investigates into the connections between the history of cartographic systems and disruptive geopolitics of drone warfare since 2012. He developed an experimental map that identifies the distributed networks of command and control behind a single US drone strike.

Kill lists, drone strikes, collateral damage, extra-judicial processes, and the blurred borderlines of sovereign states – together they hint at a kind of covert warfare governed as much by bureaucratic as technological protocols, often hidden from public view. What methodologies are most appropriate to unpacking these complex systems, and how can we expose the most important nodes in these networks of power to public critique?

The informal Setup will give insights of Davis Youngs long term investigations as well as how he has been using the virtual residency at to develop a digital version of his project.

Artist Run Data Center
Artist Run Data Center is a virtual residency program by It offers financial support for artists who investigate into phenomenons of our digital everyday life by using remarkably methods. As well accepted are Software projects contributing to the FLOSS Community (free/libre Open Source Software) and projects using Code within the genre FLOSS&Art.


Donnerstag 26. November 2015, 19:00

Seit Juni 2015 ist Dave Young Arist in Residence bei im Rahmen des Projektes “Artist Run Data Center” (ARDC) . Dave Young erforscht seit 2012 die historischen Zusammenhänge von kartografischen Systemen und der zerstörerischen geopolitischen Kriegsführung durch Drohnen. Er entwickelte eine experimentelle Landkarte, mit der es möglich ist ein Netzwerk von Befehlen und Kontrolle, hinter einem von der USA ausgehenden Drohnenangriffs, zu identifizieren.

Tötungslisten, Drohnenangriffe, Begleitschäden, außergerichtliche Prozesse und die verwischten Grenzen von souveränen Staaten sind Hinweise auf eine verdeckte Kriegsführung gestützt auf bürokratische und technologische Protokolle. Diese bleiben oftmals vor der Öffentlichkeit verborgen. Welche Methoden eigenen sich am besten, um diese komplexen Systeme zu entschlüsseln und wie können wir die wichtigsten Zusammenhänge enthüllen?

In dem informellen Setup wird Dave Young Einblick in seine Lanzeitforschung geben. Er präsentiert auch, wie er seine virtuelle Residency bei genutzt hat, um eine digitale Version seines Projekts zu entwickeln.

Artist Run Data Center
Artist Run Data Center ist ein virtuelles Residency Programm des Vereins Das Programm bietet eine finanzielle Starthilfe für Projekte, die Phänome unseres digitalen Alltags auf außergewöhnliche Weise reflektieren. Gefördert werden auch Softwareprojekte, die einen Beitrag zur FLOSS (free/libre Open Source Software) Community leisten oder Code als Kunstform verwenden (FLOSS&Art).



Artist Run Data Center Residencies

Dave Young (IE) is an artist and researcher based in Edinburgh. His practice involves critical research of digital culture, manifested through workshops, website development, and talks on subjects relating to cybernetics and the politics of network cultures. He is founder of Localhost, a forum for discussing, dismantling and disrupting network technologies, with past events focusing on topics such as Google’s entry into media art curation, and the role of analog radio as a potential commons in the digital age. He has presented workshops and given talks at institutions and festivals internationally, including at Edinburgh College of Art, V2 Rotterdam, Furtherfield, LiWoLi, and Transmediale.
Project: The project will draw connections between the history of cartographic systems and the disruptive geopolitics of drone warfare, through the development of an experimental map
that identifies the distributed networks of command and control behind a single US drone strike. The project builds on research developed since 2012 through a series of
workshops titled The Reposition Matrix.

Ana Isabel Carvalho and Ricardo Lafuente
Manufactura Independente is a research studio for design and graphic communication focused on free and open source software, free culture, and critical engagement with design tools. Founded in 2010 and based in Porto, Portugal, it is a testing laboratory and playground for experiments in crossing design, free culture, media art, typography, data explorations and hardware archaeology.
Project: Foundry-in-a-box
“Foundry-in-a-box” is the working name for our ongoing project to propose a workflow to facilitate the publishing of libre fonts.